
PPC marketing

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What is Pay Per Click(PPC)?

We think that via campaigns, we can provide a high ROI to our customers. We handle these ads not just on Google Adwords, but also on Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook, among other platforms.

PPC advertising allows advertisers to reach a large audience with minimal upfront costs, and provides them with the ability to track their return on investment (ROI) through the use of tracking tools.


How Digiview Creates Prospects

Best Search Engine Marketing Services(PPC)

Consumers may more easily find what they are looking for thanks to the search algorithms used in various search engines. Marketers capitalize on this stage of the consumer purchasing cycle by providing their resolution to potential customers whom they may serve with their goods or service. This allows them to take use of the full potential of the consumer buying cycle.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns are run via Google Adwords, which is the most comprehensive search network available. A pay-per-click (PPC) campaign is a style of internet advertising that is used to drive traffic to websites. In this model, marketers pay the publishing (who is often the owner of the website) each time one of their ads is clicked on by a user. Just one definition exists for it, which is “the amount paid to get an advertising clicked.” Pay-per-click (also known as a sponsored search campaign) strategies may be helpful in situations like this one. When it comes to promoting online, it should go without saying that running a successful paid search campaign is the most effective method to generate sponsored visitors to your site. This is especially true for e-commerce websites. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done since it is difficult to make a sponsored search campaign work in your favor because of the complexity of the process. Here is where the experts at DIGIVIEW Consulting can assist you in accomplishing any business goal you have in mind.

Our Pay-Per-Click Procedure

Keyword Research

We conduct research on the most recent keywords that should be used for the marketing campaign.


Create Ad Groups

We’ll make ad groups for the campaign. Ad groups are groups of ads that all have the same theme and target the same keywords.


Monitoring Installations

The primary goal is to continue monitoring the leads that have been generated.


Track Performance

We keep tabs on things based on how the users who oversee everything in your system want it done.


PPC Account setup

Account set-up is a crucial part that concentrates upon the company’s personal information stored to gather valuable data.


Creating a landing page

We check to see that our landing page is optimised for conversions from our intended audience.


Proceed With Campaign

We promote events centred on customers, run competitions, and give out prizes to the winners.


Analysis and Feedback

We use customer comments as a part of our PPC marketing process to gauge how well we’re doing.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO assists search algorithms rank a site better for a search query. Our SEO professionals will help you choose keywords for your product or service and optimize your site with innovative content. Our professionals will discover the search phrases or keywords placed into search engines. They will also update your HTML and code to make it more relevant to keywords and easier for search engines to index. We’ll market your site to boost backlinks and search ranking.

Display Advertising – CPM (Search Engine or Social Media)

Display advertising is very useful for conveying Brand messaging and knowledge to people in a visually rich and exciting manner. We collaborate with Google to handle your brand-building display advertisement campaigns. Google Display Networks consists of sites such as Google, Gmail, YouTube, Google partner sites, Bloggers and applications that display Adsense advertisements relevant to each page’s content. Google Display Network can assist marketers. Employ attractive ad structures to reach a wide variety of consumers with diverse interests to boost brand recognition and company loyalty, enhance customer interaction, and pick more precisely where and to what sort of viewers their advertising might appear.

Remarketing/Rebranding Display Advertising Services

Remarketing/Rebranding are very effective methods for maintaining engagement with one’s target audience. With the assistance of this potent strategy, you are able to display advertisements to individuals who have already accessed your company wherever they may be browsing the web on its Google advertising network. We at DIGIVIEW Consultants will ensure that your business is at the forefront of your customer’s thoughts when they are ready to make a purchase by providing them with extremely suitable advertisements and promotional offers throughout the Internet. Using this strategy may result in a considerable increase in your ROI.


Advertising your company’s name in this manner is probably of the best efficient uses of marketing dollars. We assist you through online media waves and PR implementation, both of which guarantee a boost in the amount of traffic that is directed to your website. Situational marketing and fueling your SEO operations are also provided by us. When done correctly, which is what we do, online public relations may assist you in the creation of strong backlinks and even increase the likelihood that your content will be caught up by other major websites or media sources. DIGIVIEW’s revolutionary innovation produces results and boosts company reputation.

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